Saturday, November 17, 2012

Do husbands enjoy Tuna Salad?

Is this a good way to look for a husband?

I'm looking for a husband!

I like his physique.

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Friday, November 9, 2012

Facebook Update on November 10, 2012

Please introduce yourself when you send a "friend" request to me.    

First, Christianity is my faith of choice, and it a cornerstone of my life.

That said, some of my friends are not Christians.  They are some of the nicest, most awesome people I know, and I welcome them to share their thoughts openly with me.

That said, some of the nicest, most awesome people I know are Christian, and I welcome them to share their thoughts openly with me.

That said, some of the meanest, most abrasive, most narrow minded, most bigoted, most prejudiced, most judgmental people I know are in all camps -- Christian, Atheist, Pantheists, non-theist, etc.


I'm a hopeless romantic Christian Gay  devoted wife kinda man hoping to find a husband.  I've always been (and always will be) dead set against NSA, hookups, open relationship, cheating, and the like.  I know that narrows the field a lot.

I spent the first eighteen years of my life (1957-1977) growing up where ever my dad was stationed while he worked his career in the US Air Force -- Texas, Maryland, Alaska, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Georgia.  

I spent the next few years going to colleges (Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, Missouri) and trying to figure out how to not be gay so I wouldn't go to hell.  I had been dreaming of having a husband ever since I was twelve.  So, I got married and sired children (hoping to cure myself) -- I ended up helping to set a lot pain and difficulty in motion for people (each person has his/her own valid spin on all the matters).

Around 1989 court papers made the divorce final.  Qualifying for a job that would enable me to get through the Child Support years, was my priority.  It's a long story full of short stories.  I struggled to make the child support payments while going through college (again).  I missed some.  I picked an easy academic major (Home Economics) to get the job done, and I taught middle school Home Economics to get me through the child support years.

I was in my early 40's when I fell in love with a specific man.  Until then, it had happened only in my dreams.  Until then, I had had many crushes on many boys (my age) and men (around my age).  Finally, I entered that world of romance and bliss.  

I didn't plan to fall in love with someone who lived half a world away.  Does anyone "plan" where and how he/she will fall in love?  I could dive into all sorts of psycho babble about all sorts of matters at work in the mix.  I was in my early 40's and I was, for the first time in my life, enjoying romantic bliss.  I decided to enjoy it as much as I could.

For several years, I traveled to the Philippines from Atlanta.  I spent summers there doing as much venturing about the country as I could.  I saw so much that was so different from life as I knew it.  I saw so much that was so much the same.  Hugs, kisses, cuddling, romantic moments -- under clear starry nights, along peaceful shores, here, there, and everywhere -- were continually in the mix.  I had his name added next to mine in the book of "Who's Who Among America's Teachers."  I began an investment into a studio apartment there.  I was in it for keeps.  

At the beginning of the summer of 2007, shortly after my arrival in Manila, he confessed to me he had been unfaithful and had been tested  HIV+.  While there, I insisted that he be re-tested.  The results were the same.  We agreed it was best for us to end that relationship.

I fell in love again, but after I lost my job as a teacher in the USA.  Years before, I had posted some pictures of me wearing skimpy clothes (beach wear during travel times) on some internet pages and some students and parents found them.  They complained and the school board made it's recommendations.  I resigned my position.  I returned to the Philippines, met a new guy and his family.  He told the whole family and all his friends that we had committed ourselves to each other.  With open arms, everyone accepted that.  They accepted me.  It felt like a God-send.

I helped him finish his university education.  We shared with the world (on Youtube).  It seemed like a perfect romance.  

I hadn't thought about any job in South Korea.  Instead, I went to truck driving school, and began driving 18-wheeler trucks.  After a major accident (not my fault), my employment was terminated.  Then,  a Youtube subscriber suggested a job in South Korea.  I didn't jump on it just to be closer to the Philippines.  I jumped on it, because I was desperate for a job, and I saw it as obtainable.  I was headed for bankruptcy as it was (although I have never yet filed), at least I could survive, live, and learn some more.  I had finished paying all my child support.  I had paid off my educational loans.  Within two months after applying, I left everything behind in the USA, and started again from scratch.  I landed in Korea in October, 2008.

Since landing in South Korea, I've returned to the USA twice to visit my family, and to the Philippines to visit my "husband" and family there.

In in the middle of 2011, he sent me an email -- "I've been cheating on you.  Can we be friends?"  It turned out (as he said) that he had been cheating on me for over a year and a half.

In February, 2012, my boss asked me "Didn't they tell you?"

"Didn't they tell me what?" I asked.

"We're closing the school at the end of the month." (barely two weeks away).  

They still owed me salary for half of January.

They owed me three years of severance pay, but were never able to pay it.

Within two weeks (thanks to a company manager), I interviewed and was hire for a new teaching position in another town.  Suddenly, I was thrust into the new immigration rules of South Korea and had to obtain fresh documents from the USA.  Thanks to my sister and mom, I was able to get all that done.

Consequently, due to my losses in salary, I ended up losing my investment in the studio I was purchasing in the Philippines.

Gosh!  I've been such a loser at so many things!  Yet, I've enjoyed so much too.  What will the balance yield in the end?

I've enjoy my new job.  I've enjoyed living in the new town.  But, I've hated the dating scenario here in South Korea.  I'm not saying it's different from anywhere else.  I'm simply saying I've not liked it at all.  Seems like everyone is set on "No Strings Attached," secrecy, deceit, no commitment, rush for sex, and open relationships.  Much of it seems like a game of carefully saying things to avoid out right lying about motives and pursuits, but (at the same time) avoid telling the whole truth.

Looks like I'm becoming an old maid.

I don't know what God has up His sleeve.  I never do know.  I've decided to not worry about that.  I've decided to not worry about "tomorrow" to much.

I don't know what I will do after my time in South Korea ends.  But, life has been full of pleasant surprises too.  

I pray for wisdom.

That's my spin for now, and I'm sticking to it.  Have a nice day!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


 I expect no one to love / hate what I love / hate.  I hope everyone enjoys his / her own life and avoids interfering with anyone else who wants to do likewise.

i love fresh black coffee
i love ice cream
i hate cigarette smoke
i hate cigarette breath
i hate drunken breath
i love dark chocolate
i love sunshine
i love sunrises
i love sunsets
i hate football
i hate basketball
i love bowling
i love working out
i love long hot (not too hot) showers
i love sweet smelling shampoo
i hate "friend requests" that amount to little more than another name on another list
i love the smell of cold beer
i love the smell of cold wine
i love strong cheddar cheese
i love monterey jack cheese
i love almonds
i love pecans
i love walnuts
i love pine nuts
i love pumpkin seeds
i love milk
i love riding a train
i love letting someone else do the driving
i hate uninvited lectures
i hate child abuse
i hate homophobia
i hate profanity (even when I use it)
i love kindness
i hate prejudice (even when it's my own)
i hate trashy porn
i love looking at pictures of men that suit my tastes in men
i love looking at sexual situations that suit my tastes in sexual situations
i love being in sexual situations that suit my tastes in sexual situations
i love horseback riding
i love animals with fur
i love animals with feathers
i hate snakes
i love ladybugs
i hate spiders
i hate bees
i love flowers
i hate thorns
i love beaches
i love mountains
i hate deceit
i hate lies
i love truth
i hate body fat (even when it's my own)
i love eggs cooked almost any style
i love beef
i love chicken
i love pork
i love vegetables
i love fruits
i love whole grains
i love old fashioned oatmeal
i love making bread
i love cooking for myself and my guest/s
i love swimming for leisure
i love live performances
i hate watching TV
i hate that gay marriage is not yet legalized in so many places
i love that gay marriage is legalized in some places
i love lectures full of intelligence that I can work with and that contain stuff I didn't know before
i hate when people say "I'll do ____," but they quit in midstream.
i hate when people ask for my phone number, but never call or text
i hate when people say they want to be friends, but they never have time for anything
i love random acts of kindness
i hate death
i love life
i love dark chocolate brownies
i hate shrimp
i hate cold rain
i hate violence
i love being Christian
i love my Budhist friends
i love my atheist friends
i love dark hues
i love watching fire
i hate suffering
i love happiness
i love that cleansing feeling I feel from a good cry
i love laughter (when no one is getting hurt because of it)
i love benevolence
i hate malice

* I might add more to this list

Saturday, March 24, 2012

When I watch a movie

     It ain't often that I go watch a movie.  It's just not something I like to do often.  But, when I do, I go to see the movie and come out remembering the story.  I don't care anything about the credits.  I won't be talking about the special effects.  I make no effort to remember who the actors and actresses were.

     The only times I care who the actors and actresses are are when I've seen particular actors / actresses so often that I'm bored seeing them and will avoid going to movie in which they appear.  I remember avoiding all movies with Tom Hanks or Tom Cruise in them.  I was simply tired of seeing their faces everywhere.

     I don't keep up wth entertainers.  Though my own drama might be boring to most people, it's enough to keep me pleasantly engaged and busy enough for my own satisfaction.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I ain't never been a womanizer

     I ain't never been a womanizer.  I ain't never gonna be one.  I like (always have liked, always will like) men, not boys, not all men, but the men I like.  At some I like looking (eye candy).  With others I like working out.  With some, I enjoy chatting and/or exchanging comments here and there on the web.  With others, I enjoy in person conversations.  With some, I enjoy doing just about anything.  With others, I've enjoyed some very happy moments.  With some, only in my dreams.

Works for me!

Extremes and In Between

     I'm a little interested in just about everything:  the extreme and in between, republicans and democrats, liberals and conservatives, g-rated and x-rated, Christianity and Atheism, hot and cold, near and far, raw and cooked, fresh and spoiled, country and rock-n-roll.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Usually, I'll have my coffee black

     I like my coffee black and without cream and sugar.  I like it fresh brewed and served in a ceramic mug.  I don't like it too hot to drink, but neither do I like it cold, unless it is served over ice in a glass like I ordered it.  I definitely don't like it old.  With it, I like a dark chocolate brownie.  The darker the chocolate the better.  Occasionally, I like to eat ice cream before I drink coffee.  Once in awhile, I'll go for a specialty coffee beverage that is sweet, creamy, and flavored with something yummy -- like a Caramel Machiado (did I spell that right?).